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Unbeatable Abilities Support Services was established in 2022 by our director who has had lived around people with disabilities since he was a young boy. ​Our director has a lifetime of experience with disabilities as he has been a former participant of support services  when he was younger So he understands the importance of recieving good quailty supports. Our director has also worked in disability workplaces as an employee, so he understands what it’s like to not be in a supportive environment. 


Our director decided to start Unbeatable Abilities Support Services because he saw a lack of providers that are run by people with disabilities, our director is very passionate about making a difference in people's lives. He saw that some NDIS run business weren't doing enough to support their participants the right way.  


Our director is a firm believer that a participant's abilities out- ways their disabilities. We believe that all persons with a disability no matter how severe their disability is that they should heard and make important decisions on how they should be supported.   

   Our Company Values
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